学年割り電卓 GakunenWari Calculator


Old GakunenWari Calculator is updated to GakunenWari Calculator 2.


以下の旧学年割り電卓は現在公開されていません. The following GakunenWari Calculator is stopped.



1人当たりの支払額 = 合計金額 / 参加者数

これに対し, 学年割りとは学年によって1人当たりの支払額を変える支払額決定法です.この場合の支払額は次の式で表す事ができます.

i年生1人当たりの支払額 = 重みi x 1人当たりの基本支払額

多くの場合, 学年割りでは学年が高い程, 支払額が多くなります.



  1. ブラウザで次のページにアクセスする https://jumpaku.github.io/GakunenWari/
  2. 各欄に合計金額, 学年間金額差, そして各学年の参加者数を入力する
  3. "学年割り"ボタンを押す



What's Gakunen-Wari?

Warikan(割り勘) means "Split the bill".
For example, college students who belong to a club go to restaurant together, and they split the bill if they are the same grade.
The entire bill is split (divided evenly) between all participants. It is represented by the following formula.

Payment amount of a participant = Total amount / Number of participants

However, if their grade are different, the payment amount of a participant is often changed by his/her grade.
It is represented by the following formula.

Payment amount of a i-th grader = weight_i x basic amount of a participant

Usually, the higher the grade of a participant is, the more his/her amount increase.
Japanese call this splitting Gakunen-Wari(学年割り).
Gakunen(学年) means "school grade".
Gakunen-Wari calculation is little complex.

How to use

You can use GakunenWari on your smart phone browser without installation because it is a web application.
The following is how to use GakunenWari.

  1. Access here. https://jumpaku.github.io/GakunenWari/
  2. Input total amount into "合計金額", difference of amount per grade into "学年間金額差", number of participants into each blank.
  3. Press the button "学年割り".

You can get the result of calculation.
